GRANUAILE Sea Queen of Ireland, for Children

Written by Anne Chambers.

Biography for Children 9-12. The adventures of the pirate queen and chieftain Grace O’Malley who ruled by land and sea over four hundred years ago. We get to know what Ireland was like for a young girl growing up in the 16th century before joining Grace aboard her galley and after many adventures sail with her to London for her famous meeting with Queen Elizabeth I.

Anne's biography of Grace O'Malley for young people is now an E-Book.

A new edition will also be published in March 2014 by The Collins Press, Cork.

"I hope this will make it easier for young people, especially those doing school projects/exams etc, as well as parents and teachers, to have the factual information about this extraordinary woman, in an accessible format." 



’An outstanding book’. Irish American News

’Related in an easy and straightforward style that makes it accessible and exciting for readers from nine and upwards’. Sunday Tribune


Enquiries to:

The Collins Press, West Link Park, Doughcloyne, Wilton Cork.


Enquiries for foreign and translation rights to:

Jonathan Williams Literary Agency,

Rosney Mews,

Upper Glenageary Road,


Co Dublin. 

Tel: 2840354

Grace O'Malley: The Biography of Ireland's Pirate Queen, 1530-1603 is the sole published biographical account of Grace O’Malley, sourced from original manuscript material, both in public and in private domain. For the latter, the author, Anne Chambers, had sole and exclusive access. Much of this material was located and decyphered in its original form (i.e.16th century manuscripts) by the author and is exclusive to her book. Furthermore, the presentation, opinions and analyses in the book are exclusive to the author. The author reserves all her rights in this book. No part of her book may be reproduced or utilised in any form or media, written or oral, or by means digital, electronic or mechanical, including photographic, film, video recording, photocopying, or by any information storage and retrieval system. Permission from the author and publisher must first be obtained to reproduce any part of or quotations from the book. Any transgression in this regard will be addressed. For more information, comments or enquiries please contact: Info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Copyright © 2025.


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