Connemara Community Radio


Author Anne Chambers with presenter Brendan O'Scanaill Connemara Community Radio on the occasion of a programme about her life as a biographer.. to be broadcast Sunday 13 July at 7p.m.

Greetings fans of Adorable Diva, Margaret Burke Sheridan.


Thank you so much to all my friends, connections and family who listened to the RTE - "The Lyric Feature" last Sunday, then contacted me to let me know how much you enjoyed the show. My phone, email and what's app was buzzing all evening and today. Thank you so much. And special thanks to the production crew at RTE Lyric FM for doing a brilliant job pulling it all together.

If you did not get a chance to listen live, you can download the podcast from the following link.



Maggie from Mayo Puccini's Favourite Butterfly |The Lyric Feature


In the ★Lyric FM Feature on Sunday 16 June at 6pm★ biographer Anne Chambers, author of 'La Sheridan: Adorable Diva’ presents the life story of Ireland’s great Diva, Margaret Burke Sheridan – Maggie from Mayo’ and her connection with the great Italian composer, Giacomo Puccini, whose centenary occurs this year.

In adulthood my interest and knowledge of opera was confined to the more ‘easy listening’ popular arias and duets. Consequently I suggested to the Committee that they might approach someone with a more professional knowledge of the genre. With just two years to write that ‘something’ there were un-surprisingly no takers and so, somewhat reluctantly, I agreed.


‘You cannot speak of Puccini from an international point of view without reference to Margherita Sheridan who in my opinion…is one of the greatest interpreters of Puccini’s work.’
Dott. Giorgio Gualerzi, Milan 1989

In this the 100th anniversary year of the death of the famous Italian composer and her own anniversary which occurs on 16 April, the words of one of Italy’s most eminent operatic critics above confirmed the composer’s own tribute to Margaret Burke Sheridan who, as Puccini’s daughter revealed, considered this Irish diva ‘the outstanding Butterfly of all time’.



Grace O’Malley ~ Ireland’s iconic feminist trailblazer


The endurance and popularity of her biography reflects the sheer magnetism of its subject. Grace O’Malley (Granuaile) continues to enthral, inspire and capture the imagination of new generations of devotees worldwide as she undoubtedly first captured mine.

For many centuries Grace O’Malley was a victim of the mainly male orientation of historical record. While she had more than created her own legend, nonetheless, she never appeared in the pages of my school history books which left me to wonder, no doubt like many more, if she had ever existed. Despite the fact, as I subsequently discovered, her life is well documented in the Elizabethan State Papers and other contemporary collections of her time and her name, unique for a woman, enshrined in the famous 1599 Boazio map of Ireland (the only female leader ever so listed) it was her absence from Irish historical record that initially motivated my own interest

Imprisoned within the swirls and flourishes of these now faded, brittle Elizabethan parchment relics, the story of Grace O’Malley springs to life. When analysed within the historical context of the traumatic epoch in which she lived, as well as a daughter, wife, mother, divorcee, lover, widow, grandmother and great-grandmother, she emerges as a fearless leader, by land and by sea, a shrewd political tactician, an intrepid seafarer, successful independent business woman, ruthless plunderer, mercenary, rebel, the protective matriarch of her family and her tribe. Above all else she was a woman who broke the mould and refused to allow the barriers placed in her path, either by society or by nature, to deter her from her quest.

Grace O’Malley’s place and contribution to political, social and maritime history is now acknowledged and celebrated. Her factual story has been documented for radio and television worldwide and in numerous and a diverse range of printed media…most recently, if unlikely in Forbes Magazine! Most importantly she is now part of schools historical curricula. Over the years my own journey in the company of this remarkable woman has lead me to many places around the world to tell her story; from Montreal to the old pirate city of Port Royal in Jamaica, to Harvard university, from Greenwich to Galway and many places in between.

International focus on gender equality, Me-Too movement and other feminist campaigns, makes the life of Grace O’Malley, albeit lived over four hundred years ago, resonate even more today. She shines as an inspirational beacon to woman everywhere of what they can achieve even, like her, in the most demanding and difficult circumstances and environments.

For Grace O’Malley it was to survive, against the odds, the political and social chaos and destruction perpetrated against herself, her family and followers during the military conquest of her country in the sixteenth century, as well as to survive the dangers and the awesome power of the formidable Atlantic Ocean.

As ageism in society, particularly attitudes to older women, comes under greater scrutiny today, that she retained her status as a woman of power and influence and remained actively involved, by land and sea to the end of her long life, makes Grace O’Malley a symbol of positive ageing. And through her example comes the realisation for women everywhere that age need not be a terminus – but…. as it was for her…just another port of call.

My voyage in the company of this pioneering woman continues as her story, a testimony to female ability and endurance, is even more relevant today to counteract the widespread discrimination, inequality and negativity that continues to exist in politics, society, business and religion, preventing women from achieving and developing their potential and thereby depriving society of a reservoir of intuition, talent, knowledge and experience.

GRACE O’MALLEY – The Biography of Ireland’s Pirate Queen, 1530-1603 by Anne Chambers (Gill Books).

T.K. Whitaker: Portrait of a Patriot

In 2002, an eighty-five-year-old former civil servant was voted 'Irishman of the Century'.


Indian Prince KS Ranjitsinhji was the most famous cricket-player of his generation


Fearless leader by land and by sea, political pragmatist and tactician, rebel, pirate and matriarch, the ’most notorious woman in all the coasts of Ireland’ GRACE O’MALLEY challenges and manipulates the turbulent politics of the 16th century

Grace O'Malley: The Biography of Ireland's Pirate Queen, 1530-1603 is the sole published biographical account of Grace O’Malley, sourced from original manuscript material, both in public and in private domain. For the latter, the author, Anne Chambers, had sole and exclusive access. Much of this material was located and decyphered in its original form (i.e.16th century manuscripts) by the author and is exclusive to her book. Furthermore, the presentation, opinions and analyses in the book are exclusive to the author. The author reserves all her rights in this book. No part of her book may be reproduced or utilised in any form or media, written or oral, or by means digital, electronic or mechanical, including photographic, film, video recording, photocopying, or by any information storage and retrieval system. Permission from the author and publisher must first be obtained to reproduce any part of or quotations from the book. Any transgression in this regard will be addressed. For more information, comments or enquiries please contact: Info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Copyright © 2025.


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