Granuaile Trail 21 : ASKEATON CASTLE. Co Limerick

Written by Anne Chambers.


The principal castle of Gerald FitzGerald, the 'great' Earl of Desmond, Askeaton, Co. Limerick.

In 1577, while leading a plundering attack on the Earl's lands, Granuaile was captured and imprisoned in the castle.

In 1578, to divert English attention from his secret negotiations with the King of Spain, the Earl handed Granuaile over to the English government.  

Granuaile Trail 22 : Kismul Castle

Written by Anne Chambers.


Kismul Castle, off the Island of Barra, in the Outer Hebridies. In 1597 it was reported to the English Council in Dublin that Granuaile had sailed there in her galleys to attack  the  castle, owned by the famous pirate-chief, Ruaridhi MacNeill, in retaliation for an attack by MacNeill on her relations in Mayo.

Grace O'Malley: The Biography of Ireland's Pirate Queen, 1530-1603 is the sole published biographical account of Grace O’Malley, sourced from original manuscript material, both in public and in private domain. For the latter, the author, Anne Chambers, had sole and exclusive access. Much of this material was located and decyphered in its original form (i.e.16th century manuscripts) by the author and is exclusive to her book. Furthermore, the presentation, opinions and analyses in the book are exclusive to the author. The author reserves all her rights in this book. No part of her book may be reproduced or utilised in any form or media, written or oral, or by means digital, electronic or mechanical, including photographic, film, video recording, photocopying, or by any information storage and retrieval system. Permission from the author and publisher must first be obtained to reproduce any part of or quotations from the book. Any transgression in this regard will be addressed. For more information, comments or enquiries please contact: Info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Copyright © 2025.


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