LORD MAYO at Ballintobber Abbey

As part of the eight hundred year celebrations of the foundation of the famous Ballintobber Abbey, Co. Mayo, Anne as been invited to give a talk in the Abbey on Tibbot-ne-Long Bourke, the First Lord Viscount Mayo (1567-1649) on Monday 25 July at 7 pm. Lord Mayo and many members of his family are buried in the Abbey.
Born aboard his mother's ship and saved at birth from Barbary Coast pirates this youngest son of Grace O'Malley seems destined to fulfill his birthright as a Gaelic chieftain. But international politics catapult him into prominance. Amid the choas of the disintegration of the Old Gaelic Order, before and after the Battle of Kinsale, Machiavellian, cunning and daring Tibbot weaves his way through the political, social and military chaos in an all-consuming passion to survive and to slavage a future from the wreckage for himself and his family.